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Director of Strabrecht College

Hans Abels

Director of Strabrecht College

It’s the little things that make the difference. Attention to each other when it matters most. A listening ear and being there for the other person when they need it. Doesn’t matter how. Today a colleague came to bring me coffee, the concierge had asked them to……. I call those the moments of truth. I experience that those moments of truth are often actually there. And how nice is it when a student asks how I am doing?!


I like it when we greet each other and say hello. I always keep the door open for someone else, whether it’s a colleague or a student at our school. The door to my office is literally always open, an invitation to anyone who wants it. In the morning, I pop into the facility service to wish them a nice day or to listen to the latest joke.


At Strabrecht College, everyone can feel free to make their own contribution. Together we make education (even better). The fact that you are given the space to be yourself and to stay yourself, makes it a very special school.


Ik doe mijn best om bij te houden of een collega jarig is. Dan stuur ik even een vrolijk berichtje. Maar ook als een lastige opdracht is volbracht of mooie resultaten zijn geboekt, besteden we daar aandacht aan. Ik ben er trots op dat ik directeur mag zijn van het Strabrecht College!